Ashley Brooke: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

J. Rose Allister: In CRYSTAL’S COWBOYS, I would have loved to explore the book’s villain in greater depth, as well as the relationship between him and Crystal. This is especially true since I actually began my writing career as a horror and mystery author—two genres where the Big Bad is the emphasis! With this book, however, I had to relent because he isn’t a POV character and Crystal doesn’t remember him until late in the tale. Adding much more at that point would have slowed down the pacing at a crucial moment, so I had to maximize his impact in the story while minimizing his actual onstage role. If I had it to do again and could do an expanded “director’s cut,” I’d throw more villain in there for sure.

Ashley Brooke: What book are you currently reading?

J. Rose Allister: MIDNIGHT EYES by Sarah Brophy. It’s a period romance with a blind heroine, a definitely drool-worthy, mercenary knight hero, and a hastily arranged marriage without her consent. What’s not to love? The heroine is in danger from the brother responsible for her blindness, a real abusive creep. She’s an unusual heroine and I’ve gotten really into the story so far.

Ashley Brooke: What is one of the hardest things about being a writer?

J. Rose Allister: The fact that cloning technology is not up to speed with my needs yet! It seems like every time I give up something to free some more time, I get busier than ever. I do write full time, but I would love to stay home and do it as a solo career. However, I also have a full-time job outside the home, and I home school our youngest child (she’s in first grade). Sometimes I wish I could do what Michael Keaton did in the movie MULTIPLICITY, so one of me could do nothing but write, another would be the school marm, a third would shlep out to the “other” job, etc. etc. LOL

Ashley Brooke: What goal do you hope to accomplish within the next year?

J. Rose Allister: See above. Kidding. Originally, my goal was to release six titles this year, two more than last year (which in turn was two more than the prior year). I’ve got four out and two more contracted to release before June, so I guess I hit that goal! I’m also looking to expand to publishers who specialize in my “sweeter” work, along with a romantic murder mystery I’ve sat on forever, waiting for the right time and place to send it. I’m so grateful to be working with a dream publisher, but I can’t deluge the poor editors all the time because my muse is apparently hopped up on Rock Star drinks 24/7! Of course I’d love for my titles to hit the top ten bestseller list, LOL. Finally, I want to fine tune my schedule to better juggle my daughter’s schooling vs. my muse’s incessant demands (he’s lucky he’s damn hot, or I’d take exception to him cracking that whip!).  Now that she’s older, lessons are longer and more involved.

Wait, how many goals was that, and you only asked for one?  LOL

Ashley Brooke: LOL!  That’s okay, I completely understand.  Trust me.  Who was your role model growing up?

J. Rose Allister: If you mean in general, I’d have to say I’m more like my mother than I’d ever have dared admit in my teens, LOL. For writing, my biggest “wow” moment was reading Julie Andrews, of all authors. I know we think of her as The-Hills-Are-Alive, singing Julie, but her YA novel MANDY enchanted me so much that I went on to name one of my daughters after the title character. Julie’s writing style immersed me in a world that was so rich and descriptive that I could see every detail, and I practically lived the plot alongside the character. I dog-eared my copy from reading time and again, always sad to see it end. It was then that I realized I wanted to be able to write stories like that, though it would be more than twenty years before I revisited that childhood wish.

Ashley Brooke: Is she still your role model?

J. Rose Allister: I often think of that book, and the way simple details made a huge impact. It’s something I hope comes through in my writing.

Ashley Brooke:  What is the best way for readers to contact you?

J. Rose Allister:  I LOVE hearing from readers!  I swear that’s better than getting an acceptance letter with a contract attached.  I can be reached through my website at or my blog at I also am on Twitter and Facebook: and

Thanks so much for having me!

Ashley Brooke: (smiles) The pleasure was mine.

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6 Responses to “”

  1. Angela Claire April 13, 2011 at 6:11 pm #

    Hi Jade,
    I was lamenting all I have to do and still try to write, but you have me way beat since you not only have a full time job, but also have a young child AND home school. Wow! Did I read that right? How do you manage to be so prolific with all that going on? You must really not sleep!
    Angela Claire

  2. J. Rose Allister April 13, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    LOL Angela…it’s definitely a challenge to get our writing done, isn’t it? I tend to write late at night when everyone’s asleep, or before my swing shift job during “breaks” in my daughter’s schoolwork. I also carry a little notebook with me everywhere I go so I can write on breaks at work, in waiting rooms at the doctor’s office, at the park while my child is on the playground, etc.

  3. Angela Wray April 14, 2011 at 1:12 am #

    Congrats on the coming releases. Your interview was great, I can completely understand the thought of more than one of myself. 🙂 Good luck and happy writing!

  4. J. Rose Allister April 14, 2011 at 1:50 am #

    Thanks so much, Angela! Both commenters are Angela’s! LOL

  5. Karen Mercury April 14, 2011 at 4:26 pm #

    Wow Jade, SIX books this year? While working another fulltime job? I bow down to you… 🙂

    • J. Rose Allister April 20, 2011 at 6:31 pm #

      LOL Karen, thanks! It can result in bald patches from pulling out ones’ hair, but it’s definitely worth it. 😉

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